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Resource Informagen™ - Data Format

Most of the non-bibliographic fields of a research report consist of three parts; (1) a date component printed in a year-month format (yr/mo) at the beginning of each line; (2) the middle data component which contains the body of the analyzed information and (3) the information source code.

The date component allows different data entries within the field to be listed in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry appearing at the top of the listing.

The second component comprising the analyzed information is not merely a report title nor the first line in a press release! Instead it is a one or more sentence analysis of information obtained from the source document. An analyst at Informagen read the document, deduced its significance and then placed the analysis in the proper field of the research report with its associated date and source fields.

The third component of these fields is the source code given inside parentheses. Usually multiple source documents exist that contain overlapping information. In general, only one or two sources are included at the end of each field entry, rather than every source. The source codes are meant to point the reader in the direction of at least one original source, if he or she wishes to read more detailed information on the subject.

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